Increase Your Revenue with better guests

5-Step Marketing Blueprint For Your SHort-Term Rental

Part 5 of 7 - Writing A Listing Description That Matters

Write a description that sells

This is where you really have a chance to sell your space and use the power of words to convince guests to book with you.

We call this "copywriting," and it’s a very important skill to master if you want to be successful in marketing anything you’re selling, whether it’s a product or a service like an Airbnb.

Eugene Schwartz, one of the most famous copywriters of all time, said:

“Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears, and desires that already exist in the hearts of millions of people, and focus those already-existing desires onto a particular product. This is the copywriter’s task: not to create this mass desire – but to channel and direct it.

Eugene Schwartz

Emphasis ours.

There is very much an art to writing great copy, because your audience is going to respond differently depending on who they are and the things you write.

(Again, this is why it is so important to know who your customer avatar is.)

But... we should probably backtrack on something we said less than a few paragraphs ago (yes, making corrections already).

When we are using the "power of words" to describe and sell our space, we said that it’s for the purpose of convincing guests to book with you – but that’s not true.

The reality is that you cannot really convince anyone to do anything they aren’t already interested in doing.

(Case in point: professional quality photos have shown to have an ROI of up to 1,900%. Despite this, over 70% of hosts still refuse to take their photos seriously...You couldn't ask for better competition!)

That’s not what copywriting is for.

What we want to do with our copy is to attract the right guests who might already interested in booking with us, and repel those who wouldn’t be a good fit for our space.

We want to tap into the desires they already have, and channel them into making a decision to stay with us…not try to beat them over the head with aggressive persuasion tactics.

So, let’s start by listing out all of the features and amenities that your space offers. What sets it apart from others in the area?

Like everything else we’ve covered in this series, your listing description works together within the ecosystem of design, visuals and branding to attract the right guests.

And copywriting itself has subsystems within it.

There are specific techniques that can help you craft a compelling listing description, such as the use of curiosity, power words and descriptive storytelling.
Curiosity. If you’ve ever seen a headline that piqued your interest, made you have to read on, then you know the power of curiosity in copywriting. It attracts your subject and pulls them into reading further, like a magnet.

Power Words. These are action-oriented and emotion-evoking words that grab attention and drive action. You can practically visualize the words as they trigger certain responses. Words like “discover,” “exclusive,” and “savory” are all examples of power words that paint the picture of adventure, luxury and deliciousness.

Descriptive Storytelling. You want to paint a picture for your audience, draw them in and transport them into imagining themselves staying at your space. Use descriptive storytelling to set the scene and give them a taste of the experience they could have with you, using your photos as visual aids.

How To put it all together

Now all of that sounds great, but how do we actually put it into practice?

Remember, we live in the attention age where people are scrolling so fast that they have calluses and blisters on the sides of their fingers, and your listing is no exception unless you capture their attention.
First, your listing needs to be seen before it's ever clicked.

Second, your description is skimmed before it is ever read.

And finally, your listing is only fully read by those who have decided that you’re property is a contender.
Knowing this, how does it inform the way we write our listing description?

Your headline should be attention grabbing and curiosity-inducing. It can include power words, numbers (people love lists), or even ask a question.

When it comes to the body of your listing description, use clear and concise language, break up the text with bullet points of the best features and benefits that your ideal guests would be attracted to.

This should be “skimmable” so that busy individuals can get a quick grasp of what your space offers, but also engaging enough to encourage people to read all the way through.

The rest of your listing description should be clear, concise, and memorable.

Make sure to avoid speaking too much about yourself, as potential guests are more interested in what your Airbnb has to offer them, not you.

It should highlight all of the features and amenities that your space has to offer, as well as any special deals or discounts that you may be offering.

In other words, don’t bury the lead!

If you have a great view, mention it right away. If you have a special feature like a private pool or hot tub that all of your guests go crazy for, make sure to mention that in the first few sentences.

The goal is to continuously hook potential guests with curiosity and features that they care about most so that they’ll keep reading until the end.

And finally, make sure to proofread your listing description several times before publishing it, as typos can be a major turnoff for potential guests.

Pro tip: We like to read the entire thing out loud and make sure that everything flows naturally and makes sense.

And once you got your listing ready for prime time, what exactly are you supposed to do with it? Just let it sit on Airbnb and hope for the best?

Well, the answer to that question is what comes next…
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- Benjamin & Sheila Harty
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